Friday, March 8, 2019

Thing 4: Our online presence

This post is about presenting ourselves online and in social media!

After searching my name in Google and Bing, I found that the most popular results are links to my Facebook,, LinkedIn and Research Gate page (in that order). After these, the results on Google are a two websites that mention my name; Pledge music, for supporting my second cousin Bex Pimenta in the release of her new EP, and Just Giving for taking part in a charity badminton tournament. On Bing, most pages are irrelevant; relating to people with a similar second name or first name. 

Overall this search has prompted me to update my Academia, LinkedIn and Research Gate pages. They still need a lot of work and since I've not published any research at the moment, they're pretty empty. Still, you can take a look at them if you'd like: Academia profileLinkedIn profile and Research Gate profile.

As part of the 23 Things program we're encouraged to join Twitter, if we haven't already. However, I've had twitter account for 5 years now but only used it for the first few months! In fact I just deleted my account... but I've created a new one! The plan is for this to be mainly professional - I'll give it a go until the end of the 23 Things course, then I may delete it if its proving to be a distraction. I think you can find me at @pimentajacob

This concludes Thing 4, thanks for reading! As a reward, here's a picture of a jumping Peacock - pretty cool right? Credit to Vivek Doshi on Upsplash 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the peacock! Interesting about the different results on different search engines...
